Part 2 - How can I successfully complete my onboarding at yoummday?

This article is about your way to yoummday and you will be guided step by step through the registration and onboarding process.

3. Booking an onboarding appointment

Once all relevant documents have been uploaded to the right section in your profile, the next step is to book your onboarding appointment. When booking an appointment, make sure that the time of the appointment is always based on the time zone set in your profile, depending on the city specified.

As soon as you book an appointment, you will receive a confirmation by mail. If you are not available at the selected and confirmed time, it is possible to postpone or cancel the appointment. However, please note that a new appointment can be booked a maximum of three times per week. But no need to worry, even if you exceed the number of possible appointment bookings per week, you will only be blocked from booking new appointments until the next week.

4. Preparation before the onboarding meeting

The requirements for working with clients can roughly be divided into spatial and technical requirements. In terms of data protection, it is necessary that your workspace can be separated by a door in case you do not live alone in an apartment. As you work with sensitive customer data in many projects, please make sure that there is no other person in your workspace during your working hours. Furthermore, the possibility of looking at your screen through a window or balcony door should be excluded. We further check if your technical equipment is working and if you have a headset including a headband, which is necessary for working in projects at yoummday. To verify your identity as well as your workplace, we also ask you to make sure your webcam and microphone are working for the onboarding meeting. Apart from that, the operating system Windows 10 or higher or Mac OS 11 or higher is technically required to work in projects.

Before the onboarding meeting, you will be asked to download the yoummday App. In the "Webcam Session" section in your profile, you will find a QR code to install the yoummday App as well as an alternative login code. But no need to worry, the App only takes very little space on your smartphone (9.86 MB). One feature of the App is that you can see your current account balance at any time. Even if you usually book your work shifts independently via your computer, you can as well view them in the App and you can set reminders as push messages when your shift starts. Another feature is sending your location coordinates (Look at paragraph 5. The Onboarding Conversation for a more detailled explanation). Moreover, you can also recommend yoummday to your friends via the App and earn additional money.

For the upcoming onboarding meeting, have your ID, your smartphone including the downloaded yoummday App, and a wired headset with headband ready. Since only the address at which you are currently located can be verified, make sure that you are at the workplace indicated in your profile for the onboarding conversation.

Once these requirements are met, the onboarding process can begin. The onboarding meeting will be conducted via the yoummday platform under the category "Webcam Session". At the agreed time you will be called by one of our onboarding managers. You can answer the call with one mouse click on the green button.

5. The Onboarding Meeting

After mutual introduction and greeting, in the first step you will be asked to show your ID to confirm your identity. Afterwards follows the verification of your room, whereby you show us your working room with your camera. Additionally, we will check if your technical equipment is working and if you have a headset with a headband, which is necessary for the work in projects at yoummday. To confirm your workplace, you will then be asked to share your current location with us via the yoummday App on your smartphone. This process helps us determine your workplace as accurately as possible to enable a smooth project flow with your IP address and confirm compliance with technical and spatial regulations. It is possible to work from multiple locations depending on project conditions. Each workplace must be stored in your profile and verified by us. If all requirements are met and confirmed, your profile will be activated during the onboarding meeting.

If you now log in to your account again, your platform view will change. To help you quickly find your way around your newly activated profile, our onboarding managers will give you a general introduction and advice on how to proceed on the yoummday platform. But no need to worry, your next steps are directly visible and marked as "To-Dos". In addition, our onboarding managers will show you how to complete your profile and where to apply for job offers. Once your account has been activated, you will have access to all open job offers and can also be directly contacted by clients. Our onboarding managers will of course answer your initial questions and give you advice.