How to complete the "My Skills" section in my profile?

In this article you will learn how to fill out your profile step by step to make a good first impression on clients

To the left under your profile picture you will see that your yoummday profile is divided into the following three sections:

This article is mainly about the category “My Skills”:

  • Voicefiles
  • Contact Center Experience
  • My soft skills & Industry experience


The voicefile is a very important part of your profile. This is where you can better express your personality and prove that you have a clear pronunciation. Create a voicefile for all languages you can imagine working in. Since basic knowledge of a second or third language can be useful in some projects, feel free to add more languages. You can learn how to record your voice recording in the following article: How do I make a voicefile and why is it important?

Contact Center Experience

In the section "My skills" you can also enter your previous contact center experience. Here you can specify how many years you have already worked in the corresponding work type (customer service, inbound sales, outbound sales, operations). In the section "Channel" you can also enter how many years of experience you have already gained in general in telephony or correspondence. Simply select the number of years so that the totality of your experience is optimally reflected here.

No worries if you do not have any contact center experience yet. Newcomers are also very welcome at yoummday. If you have not yet worked in any of the listed work types but bring previous experience in related office or service activities, this can be indicated in the subsection "Channel" as telephony or correspondence experience, depending on the activity.

In the category "About me" (insert link to about me text) you will later have the opportunity to describe your experience and skills in more detail in an open text field.


My soft skills & Industry experience

Furthermore, you have the option to select up to 5 soft skills in your profile, which better express your character and strengths.

In addition, you can select up to 10 industries in which you have already gained experience. This information is important, as clients are for instance looking for specific industry experience and it would be a shame if you are not displayed in the search due to missing information in your profile.

To continue completing your profile, go to the following article: "About me"