How exactly does my onboarding manager contact me at the scheduled time?

This article will show you how your onboarding manager and you will contact each other for an onboarding or address verification appointment.

If your appointment for address verification or onboarding is already booked, log in to your talent profile a few minutes before the scheduled appointment (talent - yoummday)

Please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge on your PC/laptop to prevent technical issues. 

Go to the waiting room by clicking on the button "Go to onboarding session":

If you are in the web room and you don't see the onboarding manager please reload the tab once. If this doesn't solve the problem please delete the cookies and cache of the whole time.

Please find here an instruction on how to delete them:

Log in again and click on "Go to onboarding session".

If there are technical problems during an onboarding call, so that no call can be set up, your onboarding manager will contact you via message and/or by phone using the phone number you’ve filed in your account. Please make sure that you have an active phone number in your profile where you can be reached.