How do I recruit or contact talents?

yoummday Talent Search allows for targeted recruitment based on factors like work experience, language skills, and personality traits. This helps find the right talents for the desired position and sends them direct invitations.

There are two methods for recruiting talent: either by posting a project and reviewing applications or by conducting targeted searches using Talent Search.

you can find a short guide on creating a project posting for recruitment purposes here.

yoummday Talent Search

In the latter, you can select from different search criteria such as work experience, language skills, sales ability, customer service skills, and country of residence to find the most suitable talents for your project.

  1. Work experience: Here you can search for candidates who have a specific number of years of work experience in a particular field or position. This helps you find applicants who already have experience in your desired field of work.
  2. Language skills: You can search for candidates who are proficient in specific languages, whether fluently or at a certain level. This can be particularly important if the position has specific language requirements or if you are looking for candidates who will work in multiple countries or regions.
  • A1 (Beginner): At this level, candidates can understand basic expressions and everyday situations at a simple level and communicate. For example, they can ask simple questions, understand simple sentences, and exchange basic information.
  • A2 (Elementary): At this level, candidates can understand simple texts and express themselves on familiar topics. For example, they can talk about their family, hobbies, or daily life and engage in simple conversations.
  • B1 (Intermediate): At this level, candidates can understand longer texts and express themselves on different topics. For example, they can express opinions, talk about experiences, and communicate effectively in everyday situations.
  • B2 (Upper Intermediate): At this level, candidates can understand more complex texts and express themselves fluently on various topics. For example, they can participate in discussions, form complex sentences, and communicate in different contexts.
  • C1 (Advanced): At this level, candidates can understand complex texts and express themselves effortlessly on challenging topics. For example, they can understand academic or specialized texts and express themselves clearly and precisely in complex situations.
  • C2 (Proficient): At this level, candidates master the language almost like native speakers. They can understand complex texts and express themselves spontaneously and fluently in any situation without major difficulties.

3. Sales Personality: This lets you find candidates with traits that are beneficial in sales, like good communication, persuasiveness, assertiveness, and enthusiasm.

4. Customer Care Personality: Here, you can find candidates who are customer-focused and excel in dealing with customers well, whether in customer service, support, or similar roles.

5. Country of Residence: This helps you find candidates living in a specific country or region, which can be useful for roles requiring knowledge of local markets or working in particular time zones.

So easy it is to contact talents:

On the talent profile, you have the following options available:


  1. Send Message: You can send a message to the talent through their profile to exchange more information or clarify any questions.
  2. Invite to Training: You can invite the talent to attend training or further education to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  3. Send SMS: You can send a text message to the talent to communicate important information or quickly establish contact.
  4. Call Mobile Number: You can directly call the talent using the provided mobile number to communicate by phone or discuss further details.
  5. Recruit: You can consider hiring the talent for a position in your project and continue the recruitment process.
  6. Offer Job: You can immediately offer the talent a job if they fit well with your requirements and are ready to start working with you.