How can I write a project description on Yoummday?

Creating a project description on Yoummday is as simple as this:

Guide for Creating Project Descriptions:

Step 1: Introduction

Start with a welcoming introduction that piques the interest of potential applicants. Use an engaging headline, e.g., "We're Looking for You for Our Project: Attractive Technical Support Role." Include important information, such as considering only EU applicants or other requirements. Use highlights to direct readers' attention.

Step 2: Project Description

Describe the project and its associated benefits for potential applicants. Use engaging language to increase applicants' interest and motivation. Mention the possibility of additional variable compensation through upselling, lead commission, and closing commission to spark interest in earning opportunities. Describe the task: outbound, inbound, email processing, chatbot, etc. Outline the training program and support from the professional project team to enhance the project's attractiveness for potential applicants.

Step 3: Applicant Requirements

List the requirements for applicants, such as residency, availability of at least X hours per week, and enjoyment of telephony or other aspects. Mention required skills and knowledge, such as German language proficiency at C1-C2 level, computer and system proficiency, and the necessary technical equipment (Windows operating system, headset, keyboard, mouse, screens).

Step 4: Application Process

Explain how applicants can apply and what information or documents they should provide. Include important dates, such as the start of training or project commencement, to inform potential applicants about the timeline.

Step 5: Additional Information

Add any additional information, such as system requirements for work, KPIs, or details about the campaign or job profile.

Step 6: Conclusion

Conclude the text with a friendly invitation to apply and a thank you for their interest in the position. Add the company or team name to provide a more personal touch and strengthen applicants' trust.

Note that the text can and should be adjusted according to the target audience and position to meet the needs and requirements of the project.

What Should a Project Description Include to Attract Many Applicants?

  1. Project Description
  2. Requirements for Talents
  3. Overview of Phone Hours
  4. Compensation and Additional Benefits
  5. Training and Learning Opportunities
  6. Project Start and Duration
  7. Company Information
  8. Selection Process
  9. Tips for Talents