What requirements do I have to fulfill?

In this article you will learn what requirements are necessary to operate on Yoummday.

You are important to us and we want you to get the most out of yoummday. Therefore you need some basic personal and technical requirements: 

Your personal requirements 

As a yoummday talent, you should first and foremost be reliable and have a good grasp of things. This is important so that you can quickly familiarize yourself with the different requirements of the various projects. You must be able to ensure that you are easily accessible.  
Good written and spoken German or English is essential so that we can communicate with each other on the platform.  

Please always pay attention to your expression and an error-free spelling. 

Your technical requirements 

  • powerful computer with current operating system (Windows 10 and higher, MacOS 11 and higher) 
  • wired headset 
  • stable internet connection via LAN cable or WPA2-encrypted WLAN