What does the time zone in my talent dashboard mean? Why should I set it?

There are talents from all over the world on our platform. In order to guarantee a smooth flow of time-based processes (e.g. onboarding session, address verification, shift schedules), it is important that you select your correct time zone right at the beginning.

You will find the corresponding function in the top right-hand corner of your talent dashboard:


Click once on the drop-down menu and select the city in which you are either located or which is closest to you:


The page will automatically reload and the time will be set to your local time in your Talent dashboard:


As a result, all times on the platform are now converted to your time zone. For example, you no longer need to worry about whether your onboarding appointment at 10 a.m. takes place in the Central European time zone or somewhere else - from now on you simply plan in your local time. The same applies to your shift planning in the talent dashboard (if your client works with it). Setting the correct time zone therefore makes work easier for everyone.