How do I set up my yoummday business account?

To kickstart your journey on yoummday, just follow these easy steps. Simply go through this guide and check off the to-do list to ensure you're all set to begin!

The progress bar always gives you an overview of your pending to-dos!

Complete your information

In the 'Complete Data' section, the following information is mandatory:

  • Organization

Name of the Organization

  • Billing

Invoice Address, VAT Identification Number

  • Optional: Company logo for better visibility on the job board

Add Funds

To add funds, go to the 'Add Funds' section, where you can find transfer details or use PayPal for a direct top-up.

Minimum amount: €1,000.00

Note: To post job listings or hire talents on the platform, you need to have sufficient funds in your account.

Set Up Your Project

In the 'Set Up Your Project' section, you can easily create your first project with just one click. Simply choose the type of project and create it instantly.

Don't be afraid of mistakes; they're great for learning. So, if you ever need to backtrack, no worries. You can easily delete a project with just one click.

Recruit Talents

Now it's time to recruit the first talents from the pool. Use the 'Advanced Search' feature to define the desired skill set and display matching talents.

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