How do I recruit talents?

To successfully start the project, you need to assemble a team that meets the project's requirements.

There are two ways you can engage talents for your project. Talents can either actively apply to your job postings or be recruited by actively searching in the talent pool.

A detailed job description in the job posting increases the likelihood of receiving applications only from talents who closely match your requirements. The more specific the job description, the more suitable applications you will receive.

  1. Your project is published and talents are applying for the project.
  • Reviewing the job applications and inviting talentes for interviews.
  • Sending out contract offers with agreed-upon rates per minute.
  • Acceptance of the job by talent including signing the AVV (Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarung - Order Processing Agreement).
Talent bewirbt sich

2. Actively search in our talent pool:
  • Utilize predefined criteria through the filtering function to search for talents.
  • Invite selected talents for recruitment interviews.
  • If the outcome is positive, send out the job offer; if negative, send rejection notices.
  • Talent acceptance of the job including signing the AVV (Auftragsverarbeitungsvereinbarung - Order Processing Agreement).

Aktive Suche nach Talents


Contracts with talents can be terminated at any time with just a few clicks. Carefully conducted recruiting minimizes the risk of misassignments and increases mutual satisfaction in the later stages of the project.