What do the "To-Dos" and "News" sections on the yoummday workspace mean?

In this article you will learn more about the "To-Dos" and "News" sections, which can be found on the workspace of your activated profile.

When you successfully log in to your talent profile, you will first land on the workspace of the yoummday platform. The "To-Dos" and "News" sections are located in the center left:

1. To-Dos

To apply for projects, first complete your profile. In the "To-Dos" section, you will see which information is required. You can distinguish between mandatory and optional fields. While mandatory fields are absolutely necessary, optional fields are considered voluntary. You can recognize optional fields by the fact that they can be archived. However, since customer terms vary depending on the project, an actually optional field may become mandatory when you receive a project commitment. However, this is not a problem. You can simply add this To-Do after being accepted to the project.

Mandatory fields:

  • Enter your tax number
  • Enter your voice recording
  • Entering your bank account data
  • Performing the speed test
  • Set up two factor authentication

Optional field:

  • Verify mobile number

2. News

General and individual news await you in the "News" section:

  • News about the yoummday platform
  • Invitations to live webinars
  • Current rejections or acceptances for projects
  • Daily surveys
  • Trophies and XP points to collect

If you do not want to see individual news anymore, because you have already taken note of them, there is also the possibility to archive them.