What are the XP points and what do they say?


What are the XP points?

XP points ("Experience Points") are a virtual reward system on yoummday. When you complete tasks or challenges, you receive points. For example, for the successful completion of your onboarding, you will receive 50 XP points:

By uploading a profile picture, 40 XP points.

There are different actions for which you receive points...

Where can I find my XP points?


You can find your XP points in your profile on the left in the menu under the item "My Achievements":

What do the XP points say?

Your XP points reflect your activity, experience and achievements in your account on the yoummday platform.

You can advance within the different levels. The more XP points you collect, the higher the level. An overview of your current level and your progress is displayed with your achievements:


How do the XP points affect my activity on the yoummday platform?

The XP points have no effect on projects, earnings or your activity on the yoummday platform.


I can no longer collect points - what can I do?

XP points are sometimes credited with a time delay. So don't worry if XP points are not credited.

To test whether there is a technical problem, try the following:

- Use a different browser. Google Chrome, for example, does not cause technical problems with the platform.

- Delete the cookies via the settings menu of your browser. Then log out again and log in again.


Can XP points be added manually?

Unfortunately, no - XP points cannot be added manually at the moment. However, this does not have any negative effects for you and your activities on the platform. Because neither in current projects nor in the application phase is the amount of your collected XP points decisive.