How can I sync outbound contact data between yoummday and HubSpot?

Our contact sync integration with HubSpot enables you to synchronise contact data to or from an outbound project with your HubSpot account. [alpha version]

HubSpot Data Synchronization

Do you want to transfer existing contacts from HubSpot to your yoummday outbound project or synchronize existing contact lists with HubSpot? No problem! Get in contact with our Sales team to get started soon.

yoummday offers data synchronization for your outbound projects, allowing for one-way or two-way data exchange between HubSpot and yoummday. This enables you to unify all your customer data in one platform.

In the initial alpha version of this integration, contact details such as names and phone numbers can be synchronized.


To enable data synchronization, you must have an existing HubSpot account.
You also need write permissions to edit company settings and customer data in yoummday.

Step-by-Step Integration Guide:

  1. Connect the integration by first authenticating your yoummday account with HubSpot on our Extensions page (under Company Settings).
    HubSpot extension
  2. Grant the necessary permissions in HubSpot to activate data synchronization.
  3. Once the connection to HubSpot is successfully established, check under Integrations in HubSpot to confirm that the yoummday app has been successfully connected.
  4. Now, navigate to the relevant outbound contact list in yoummday and click "HubSpot Sync" at the top.
  5. Choose whether you want to synchronize contact data to or from HubSpot.
  6. You may also revert your last changes by selecting the revert option. 

Done! Your contacts are now up to date, and the integration is successfully completed!

Please note:

If a contact (either by name or phone number) is not already present in the list to be synchronized, a new contact will be created. Contacts will not be deleted during data synchronization.

It is crucial that the phone number contains only numbers and no special characters.