How does yoummday ensure good quality?

Discover 5 compelling reasons why our quality is exceptional!

Ensuring Quality Excellence at yoummday:

1. Careful Selection of Remote Talent: yoummday conducts a thorough selection process to choose qualified and experienced remote talents. This involves reviewing resumes, qualifications, references, and interviews to ensure that talents possess the necessary skills and competencies for their tasks. Language assessments further assist our clients in selecting their talents.

2. Regular Training and Development: yoummday invests in the ongoing education and development of its remote talents to keep them up-to-date. This can include internal training, external workshops, or individual coaching to enhance their skills and knowledge, considering current trends and best practices in their industry.

3. Implementation of Quality Control Procedures: yoummday has established stringent quality control procedures to ensure that the work of remote talents meets quality standards. This may involve regular review of work outcomes, evaluation of work samples, or the application of quality metrics to ensure that the delivered performance meets client requirements.

4. Open Communication and Collaboration with Clients: yoummday places great emphasis on open communication and collaboration with clients to ensure that all requirements and expectations are clearly understood. Regular meetings, feedback loops, and communication channels are established to address questions, tackle challenges, and ensure that remote talents meet customer expectations.

5. Regular NPS (Net Promoter Score) Satisfaction Surveys: yoummday conducts regular NPS surveys to assess customer satisfaction. Customer feedback is used to make improvements and continuously optimize the quality of work provided by remote talents.